


Weapon Duping
this trick lets you copy any weapon or shield for free. this is different from the Two Sword method other people post and is 100 times better since it can copy any hand held item, unlike other methods, and its free, unlike other methods. heres how its done: 1.set up a person so they can equip the weapon you want to dupe and a shield. this is best done by just using the support skill Equip Shield
2.put a shield in the top hand and the item you want to dupe in the bottom hand
3.go to a shope that carries shields but not the type of wepaon you have OR that a shop that has shields but no weapons stronger then the one you have
4.go to fitting room
5.place a shield over the weapon to dupe. both the weapon and the shield will be taken off
6.hit best fit
7.leave the shop
you should notice that you you now have an extra item that you had in your bottom hand, or the weapon. this is great for duping the second Escuthceon so that everyone can have its awesome evade%'s


Weak Weapon Duping (for the Mace of Zues, Nagrarock, etc.)
the trick above is nice since it can copy any hand held item, but some of them you cant. for example the Mace of Zues; when you hit best fit it puts the Gold Staff in its place making it impossible to copy. this is uses the same method as above but is slightly modified to let you copy these weaker rare hand held items.
first, these can only be done in certain places. you have to find a place that sells shields but dosnt sell any weapons your character can equip. now follow this method:
1.set up a person so they can equip the weapon you want to dupe and a shield. this is best done by just using the support skill Equip Shield
2.put a shield in the top hand and the item you want to dupe in the bottom hand
3.go to a shope that carries shields but not the type of wepaon you have OR that a shop that has shields but no weapons stronger then the one you have
4.go to fitting room
5.place a shield over the weapon to dupe. both the weapon and the shield will be taken off
6.place another shield in the empty hand. this will take off the other shield and place a shield in the same spot that your first shield was in.
7.hit best fit
8.leave the shop
did you see it? there was one extra step in the procedure. its right between steps 5 and 6 of the first method.


the Shield/Two Swords trick
this little trick lets you carry a shield and be able to hit an enemy twice. you get the evade%'s from the shield but you can only hit bare handed. this would be alot more usefull if you could have a shield, martial arts, and two swords on a unit but since they all require support skills you cant. the only way to get your two sworded shield holder to do go damage is to put them in a job that can hold shields, give them two swords as their support skill, and then build them up heavily in PA. i personaly like the lancer since their jump comand comes in a little more handy then break skills, and they have more PA then Geomancers.
the basic set up for this trick is to put a shield in the lower hand, and give that same character the two swords skill. it should now work and with proper leveling you will can do massive damage and have an almost unhitable character, with proper set ups.


The Invisible Dancer/Bard this trick is more usefull for the dancer, but is just as nice for the bard. this trick allows your Dancer/Bard to become invisible, while dancing/singing, and they will stay invisible. heres the set up:
give your Dancer/Bard the reaction skill sunken state. now go into battle and sstart dancing/singing. when your character gets hit they will become invisible. now just have your Dancer/Bard wait while they dance/sing. when they do dance/sing they will not become visible. they can walk around forever and not get hit by enemies ever again.
this is best used with the dancer, and for one reason. her dances can ause damage or harmfull staus ailments. if you had a dancer dancing the Wiznabus dance she would constantly do damage to enemies. you would be gaurnuteed to win as long as you could survive the first hit. however, this dance does very little damage and if you are fighting against a curing enemy, like a yellow chocobo or an enemy unit, then you could come into trouble. but if you had 5 dancers going then you would hit around 10 times a turn and sometimes more. even if it only does 10 damage thats 50 damage to every enemy and its unblockable. sounds like a great deal to me.